CMS Guide

Viewing Webtest Pages

Brandeis has two servers: Live and Test.

  • The Live server contains our public web presence and is available at
  • The Test server — webtest — contains draft content. It is available to those on campus at or from off campus via the Brandeis VPN. Before publishing pages live, we always recommend publishing to webtest first. This gives you an opportunity to review the pages privately before they become available to the public.

Logging into the Brandeis VPN allows you to view webtest pages from off campus.

Viewing Webtest Pages On Campus

  1. Open a web browser and type in the webtest URL you would like to view.
    For example, would bring you to the Psychology Department site on webtest.
  2. You can interact with the webtest pages just like you would a live website.

Viewing Webtest Pages Off Campus

Brandeis VPN (Preferred Method)

  1. Connect to the Brandeis VPN.
  2. Once you are connected, type in the webtest URL you would like to view.

    For example, would bring you to the Psychology Department site on webtest.

  3. Interact with the webtest pages just like you would on campus.


If you aren't able to connect to the Brandeis VPN, you can access webtest pages through Wormhole.

  1. From off campus, open a web browser and navigate to Login with your UNet ID and password.
  2. A welcome screen will appear. At the top-right of the screen, you will see an empty white box with a Browse button next to it. This is the Browse Field. The Browse Field enables you to navigate to a variety of resources through a secure session, including webtest pages.
  3. In the Browse Field, type in the webtest URL you would like to view.
    For example, would bring you to the Department of Psychology site on webtest.

screenshot of browse field in wormhole

  1. Once you have entered the webtest URL, click Browse.
  2. A new window will open with the webtest page you entered. You can interact with the webtest pages just like you would on campus.

Note: The URL that appears in the address bar when viewing a webtest link from within Wormhole (see screenshot below) is unique to Wormhole. Do not copy the URL and use it on your website. This will result in broken links. Information on how to create links is available in the Building & Editing section.

screenshot of address bar in wormhole