Brandeis Counseling Center

Insurance and Access to Services

Brandeis is committed to providing effective, accessible and affordable counseling services to its students.

The BCC submits insurance claims for all services rendered. Please bring your insurance card to your appointments. All on-campus counseling services are provided with no out-of-pocket or direct costs passed along to students.

If you have any concerns about the impact of insurance claim filing on your privacy or personal safety, please be sure to mention these concerns when making your BCC appointment; we will work to find ways to address them.

Students With Blue Cross Blue Shield

Blue Cross Blue Shield is the Brandeis student Health Plan.

If you are seeking a referral for mental health or physical health care, please check out Well Connection. Well Connection is a virtual resource to help get you connected to professionals throughout the U.S., including medical visits, psychiatry and therapy.

You can visit the web page or download the app and sign up. You will enter your insurance information, and Well Connection will provide you with a list of clinicians.