Brandeis International Business School

Directives on Print Color Usage

RGB color schemes are used for digital assets, while CMYK schemes are used for print assets. Usually, program defaults are set to RGB colors, so to prepare an RGB asset for printing, it needs to be converted to CMYK. 

Never convert already existing colors to CMYK; that process results in incorrect colors. Brandeis RGB blue that is converted to CMYK is not the same color as Brandeis CMYK blue. Please refer to the color directives page for more information on the different values.  

For applications that allow CMYK color conversion:
  1. Conversion to CMYK must be the first step in the process; conversion results in a "flattening" of the image. If the file has layers, all of these layers would merge, and may not be edited again. If conversion happens at the beginning, all future layers will automatically be in CMYK.
  2. Choose Image, Mode, CMYK Color. Use the CMYK values listed on the color directives page.
For applications that only use an RGB workspace:
  1. Use RGB logo files and the RGB values listed on the color directives page.