Information and Technology Services (ITS)
Information Technology Services (ITS) supports the Brandeis community and advances our University's mission with technology expertise and a commitment to service. We're here to provide the infrastructure that supports the services you need, identify solutions to help you get your work done, and troubleshoot technological issues with you.
Goldfarb Help Desk, Library 1st Floor
781-736-HELP (4357 or ext. 64357)
Teaching, Learning & Research Support
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports the teaching success of all members of the Brandeis community.
Business & Economics Research Guide
A rich collection of resources to assist with research, teaching, learning. Includes access to items such as Factset, NYT, WRDS and more.
ITS Help Desk
Goldfarb Library 1st Floor
781-736-HELP (4357 or ext. 64357)
MTS Non-Emergency
Classroom Assistance