
HBI offers an array of programming for established scholars, professionals, students, and members of the community at large. Our programming aims to educate people on the newest ideas in the field of Jewish Gender Studies.
The HBI Scholars-in-Residence Program offers outstanding scholars, writers and artists working on any aspect of Jewish gender studies the opportunity to devote time to their research.
Postdoctoral Associates
Scholars who recently earned their Ph.D.s spend a period of time at HBI expanding on their dissertations while also teaching and participating in academic seminars and conferences. While working under the supervision of faculty members, and using the facilities of the university, these scholars are acquiring skills to pursue their career goals.
Gilda Slifka Internship Program
The Gilda Slifka Internship Program at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute provides students with a variety of opportunities to learn about the work of Jewish women's and gender studies scholars and centers, and try their hand at research in the field.
Student Opportunities
HBI offers a number of opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in Jewish gender studies to be involved with our activities.
Sandra Seltzer Silberman HBI Conversations Series
The Sandra Seltzer Silberman HBI Conversations Series, dedicated in honor of our beloved and long-standing friend, Sandy Silberman, z"l, enables participants to engage directly with authors of memoir, fiction and academic scholarship who explore the diversity of Jewish women’s experiences.
Grants and Awards
We nurture Jewish gender studies scholars at all points in their careers, from our prize for student papers to our travel grants for young scholars to present papers at the Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) meeting to our research awards for junior and senior scholars.