Computer Purchases

ITS provides one centrally funded computer to each eligible employee and provides guidelines for departmental computer purchases. Learn more about the computer refresh program, departmental purchases and discounts for personal purchases.

DEPARTMENT PURCHASES   Personal Purchases   Purchase and Use Guidelines

Computer Refresh Program

Brandeis provides one university-issued computer to eligible faculty and staff members through the computer refresh program. Some computers necessary for a department's essential operations can be acquired through the program as well(budget permitting). Currently, university-managed computers are refreshed or replaced on a five-year cycle. Learn more about which departments participate in the program and see the refresh schedule.

Program Benefits

There are major benefits for individuals, as well as the university as a whole, to using computers that are purchased and replaced through the Refresh program. Computer Refresh provides:

  • Computer management
  • Security software
  • Device encryption
  • Cloud-based data backup