Computer Purchases
ITS provides one centrally funded computer to each eligible employee and provides guidelines for departmental computer purchases. Learn more about the computer refresh program, departmental purchases and discounts for personal purchases.
DEPARTMENT PURCHASES Personal Purchases Purchase and Use Guidelines
Computer Refresh Program
Brandeis provides one university-issued computer to eligible faculty and staff members through the computer refresh program. Some computers necessary for a department's essential operations can be acquired through the program as well(budget permitting). Currently, university-managed computers are refreshed or replaced on a five-year cycle. Learn more about which departments participate in the program and see the refresh schedule.
Program Benefits
There are major benefits for individuals, as well as the university as a whole, to using computers that are purchased and replaced through the Refresh program. Computer Refresh provides:
- Computer management
- Security software
- Device encryption
- Cloud-based data backup
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The Computer Refresh program ensures the efficient replacement of computers (desktop or laptop) used by faculty and staff to conduct university-related business. The goal of this initiative is to provide Brandeis University faculty and staff with updated and reliable technological tools to support their work.
Entire departments receive new computers once every five years. For more information, please refer to the refresh schedule. If you have questions, please contact ITS at
ITS reaches out to departments beginning in the Summer/Fall of the fiscal year a department is eligible . (So, for FY2025, which begins July 1, 2024), ITS would begin conversations with departments in October/November.) ITS schedules a meeting with department chairs or administrators to explain the computer replacement process. Faculty and staff are also informed of this process by email by their department after this meeting. ITS gets in touch with departments again in January to confirm computer requests and make any necessary adjustments. Finally, ITS schedules a deployment day or days, and a make-up day, for delivery and setup of the new computers throughout the Spring semester.
Yes. You'll need to log in to your computer to set up certain features, such as the ability to map departmental shares or print to a departmental printer, so your presence is highly recommended for a smooth transition.
You'll need to make a list of the required software that will be needed to be re-installed on the new machine. We also ask that you take some time to organize and delete anything you would not like moved to the new computer. Other than that, no other work is required. The ITS staff will migrate all the data stored in your user folder to your new computer.
Learn more about department purchases
ITS requires that departments buy Brandeis standard models from Dell or Apple(Gov Connection), available on the Dell or Apple( Gove Connection) Coupa marketplace purchases sites. Brandeis standard models receive the most comprehensive setup assistance and ongoing support from the Help Desk according to the Help Desk SLA. (Non-standard models receive only best effort support, time permitting.) Also, ITS is glad to help set up computers purchased by departments. See our guidelines and tips for a smooth deployment experience.
Please contact ITS at for more information on computer options for new employees.