Class of 1985
Class Correspondent
- James Felton
Marcos Dantus, MA’85, has developed technology that might help in the war against terrorism. The Michigan State University chemistry professor has designed a laser-based system capable of detecting infinitesimal traces of some chemicals used in bomb making as packages and luggage pass through airport security checkpoints. According to the latest edition of Applied Physics Letters, the technique scans clothing in a traveler’s luggage and generates an image of a dubious substance’s location. Marcos is founder and president of BioPhotonic Solutions. Gary Mazo, P’12, P’17, is the new rabbi at Temple Adath B’nai Israel in Evansville, Ind. He had served congregations on Cape Cod and in Cherry Hill, N.J. In an interview with the Evansville Courier & Press, Gary relayed the story of the challenge to his faith when his mentor, the senior rabbi at Congregation M’kor Shalom in Cherry Hill, was charged with and ultimately found guilty of hiring someone to murder his wife. It occurred in 1994, when Gary, four years out of Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, was assistant rabbi to the 1,100-family congregation. Gary’s commitment to staying and helping the congregation heal became the basis of a book, “And the Flames Did Not Consume Us: A Rabbi’s Journey Through Communal Crisis.” David Mindich is a professor of media studies, journalism and digital arts at Saint Michael’s College and the author of “Tuned Out: Why Americans Under 40 Don’t Follow the News.” He recently wrote an Op-Ed piece for The New York Times about President Abraham Lincoln’s surveillance state. Abby Goldbloom-Helzner, who lives in Bethesda, Md., has spent the past 25 years teaching middle- and high-school math at two local Jewish day schools. She is married to David Goldbloom-Helzner and has two children: Leora, 18, a freshman at the University of Michigan, and Ari, 14, a high-school sophomore. Abby happily spends much of her time playing music with her family, chauffeuring her kids to their various musical theater endeavors and traveling to some pretty cool places, including Russia, Israel, Scotland and Yellowstone. She writes, “This past year, I attempted to use my Brandeis degree by pretending to help my daughter with her AP economics homework.” Bonnie Hochman Rothell joined’s network of professional mediators. She has been a partner at Krooth & Altman in Washington, D.C., since 1995 and chairs the law firm’s litigation and risk management group. Senior media analyst Michael Nathanson left Nomura Securities to join the newly renamed MoffettNathanson research firm. During his tenure as managing director at Nomura, he was twice named the No. 1 media analyst in America by Institutional Investor Magazine. He earlier worked at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Jessica Berger Weiss and Jeff Weiss write, “We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in January. Our kids are growing and leaving home. Our son is in 11th grade. One daughter is a freshman at Penn State, and the other is a senior at the University of Michigan. At least we still have our sweet chocolate Lab, Dusty, at home. Jessica celebrated her 50th birthday with friends and several parties. Jeff is planning a weekend in Atlantic City, N.J., with friends for his 50th, after an NYC weekend with Jess.” Ted Reinstein, MFA’87, a reporter for WCVB-TV in Boston, welcomed the publication of his first book, “New England Notebook: One Reporter, Six States, Uncommon Stories,” in May 2013. Jeffrey Thomas celebrated his 50th birthday by completing the 2013 San Francisco Marathon on Father’s Day. Read his story about transforming himself from a couch potato to a distance runner: Tammy (Lindheimer) Sadok writes, “I can’t believe we are all turning 50! I still feel … 29? I have lived in Needham, Mass., for 20 years with my husband, Ron, and four children. I work for Hebrew SeniorLife at Center Communities of Brookline as the director of social services. We are active members of Temple Aliyah in Needham, where I often bump into other Brandeis alums.” Elana Stampfer Emlen turned 50 while on a backpacking trip in the beautiful Goat Rocks Wilderness in Washington state. She writes, “This kicked off a vacation from the job I love — managing a federal young-child wellness grant in my hometown, Portland, Ore. Then we celebrated the bat mitzvah of our youngest of three daughters. Amazing August 2013!” Eric Budd is a professor of political science at Fitchburg (Mass.) State University. His book “Conflicted Are the Peacemakers: Israeli and Palestinian Moderates and the Death of Oslo” was published in 2012. He lives in Holden with his wife and two kids.
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BOLD STATEMENT: Young alumni gathered at the Time Warner Center in New York for the Bold (Brandeisians of the Last Decade) Leadership Reception. Event host Olaf Olafsson ’85, a university trustee, spoke about his experiences as a Wien Scholar at Brandeis. President Frederick Lawrence shared news from campus and participated in a Q&A session. Alison Judd ’09, Bold national co-chair, delivered the concluding remarks. From left: Kathyrn Katzenberg List; Evan List ’08; Jenny Edelman ’09, Bold New York co-chair; Fred; Olaf; Alison; Maurice Goldstein ’09, Bold New York co-chair; Daniel Acheampong ’11; and Ji Yun Lee ’11. |
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WORLD PARTY: Current Wien scholars from around the globe joined President Frederick Lawrence, Kathy Lawrence, and Wien family members Lester and Dinny Morse and Isabel and Peter Malkin to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Wien International Scholarship Program. Trustee Olaf Olafsson ’85 delivered the keynote address. |