Frequently Asked Questions

Customized Solutions For Your Employees

At Brandeis University Online, we are proud to collaborate with a diverse range of industry leaders, providing tailored educational programs that help organizations like yours achieve their goals. Our partnerships span various sectors, offering opportunities for professional development, skill enhancement, and employee retention.

As the Assistant Director of Corporate and Workforce Partnerships, I'm here to ensure that our collaborations are mutually beneficial, strategically aligned, and focused on delivering tangible results. With a deep commitment to fostering these relationships, I look forward to working closely with our partners to create impactful learning experiences.

If you're interested in exploring how a partnership with Brandeis University Online can benefit your organization, I would love to connect with you.

Contact Information and Consultation

Tyler McMillan

Tyler McMillan

Assistant Director for Corporate & Workforce Partnerships

781-736-8786 ext. 68725
Pronouns: he/him/his

Book a Partnership Conversation

Highlighted Partnerships: A Selection of Our Collaborations

Logos of companies who have partnerships with Brandeis Online

Partnership success story

Customized certificates with Pfizer

In April 2023, Brandeis partnered with Pfizer with the goal of providing the company’s employees with high-quality, professional development programs at a discounted tuition rate. The partnership began with extensive meetings with Pfizer’s leadership team, where we discussed the company’s greatest needs regarding workforce development, areas of interest for Pfizer employees, and ways Pfizer could help its employees maximize the company’s educational benefits.

As a result of these discussions, Brandeis developed three bioinformatics-focused certificates tailored to Pfizer’s unique needs: Drug Discovery, Cheminformatics, and Genomics.

Partnership Details

Following the development of the certificates, Brandeis worked with Pfizer’s HR and Communications teams to create a multichannel roll-out plan for employees. We collaborated on the following elements:

Brandeis Contribution
  • Created a designated landing page where Pfizer employees could learn about the programs as well as how to use their education benefits.
  • Hosted information sessions for interested employees.
  • Attended Pfizer benefit fairs and hosted meet-and-greets at Pfizer worksites.
  • Developed student welcome packet to guide employees through their Brandeis experience.
Partner Contribution
  • Sent designated emails to employees announcing the partnership.
  • Included information about the partnership in company newsletters, which included regular reminders about upcoming admissions deadlines.